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We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. That is why we have adopted this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy lets you know how and for what purposes your personal information is being collected, processed and used. We pledge that we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information will only be used in ways that are in compliance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is only in effect for any web pages, e-mail lists, collective non user-specific information and collective personal information collected on or through the Holland House website, located at, as well as any online features, services and/or programs offered by the Company (collectively, the “Website”).

Use of Information
Information collected by Mizkan America, Inc. (the “Company”) may be used for three main purposes. First, we collect information to improve the Website by determining which of our areas, features and forums are most popular. Second, we collect information to personalize the experience of the users of the Website. Third, we collect information to enable our users to participate in features, services, programs and/or other activities from time to time.

In order to participate in many features, services and/or programs of the Website, we may require that you provide us with certain specific information, such as your full name, company information, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, personal interests and/or other information specific to you. If you want to purchase products directly through the Website, we will also require that you provide your credit card number and related information. These transactions are processed by a third party under contract to the Company. We do not have access to any credit card information. You can choose whether or not to provide us with this information, but if you choose not to provide any required information, your experience on the Website may be diminished and some features may not be available or may not work as intended. If you choose not to provide the required credit card information, you may not be able to purchase products through the Website.

Member Account, Password and Security
For certain features available through the Website, we may require the use of encryption technologies provided for your protection and/or your use of a UserID and password after setting up a User Account. We use reasonable precautions to protect the privacy of your UserID, password and User Account information by utilizing an SSL connection. Accordingly, your UserID, password, User Account information and credit card information are encrypted using an SSL connection and are not expected to be read in an intelligible form as they travel to the Website. You, however, are ultimately responsible for protecting your UserID, password, User Account information and credit card information from disclosure to third parties, and you are not permitted to circumvent the use of required encryption technologies. You agree to: (a) immediately notify the Company of any unauthorized use of your UserID, password and/or User Account, and/or any other breach of security, and (b) ensure that you exit from your User Account at the end of each session. While we may provide certain encryption technologies and use other reasonable precautions to protect your confidential information and provide suitable security, we do not and cannot guarantee or warrant that information transmitted through the internet is secure, or that such transmissions are free from delay, interruption, interception or error.

Information From Children
The Website is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of thirteen (13). We do not collect personally identifiable data from any person that we know to be under the age of thirteen (13). If we learn that a user under the age of thirteen (13) is publicly posting or sharing personally identifiable information on or through the Website, then we will use reasonable measures to block that user from accessing these areas of the Website. Parents should be aware that the Company’s Privacy Policy will govern our use of personal data, but also that information that is voluntarily given by children – or others – in chat sessions, e-mail exchanges, bulletin boards or the like may be used by other parties to generate unsolicited communications. The Company encourages all parents to instruct their children in the safe and responsible use of their personal data while using the internet.

Privacy Outside the Website
The Website may contain various links to other websites, including links to various third party service providers. The Company is not and cannot be responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any of those other websites. Other than under agreements with certain reputable organizations and companies, and except for third party service providers whose services you voluntarily elect to utilize, we do not share any of the personal information that you provide to us with any of the websites to which the Website links, although we may share aggregate, non-personally identifiable data with those other websites. Please check with those websites in order to determine their privacy policies and your rights under them.

Terms of Use
Your use of the Website will also be governed by the Holland House Terms and Conditions of Use

Governing Law
This Privacy Policy will be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. By using or accessing the Website, you agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to your use of the Website or this Privacy Policy will be filed only in the state or federal courts in Illinois, and you hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating any such action

Your Consent To This Privacy Policy
By using the Website, you consent to the collection and use of information by us as specified above or as we otherwise see fit unless you inform us otherwise by means of the procedure identified below. If we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will make an effort to post those changes on this web page so that you will always be able to understand what information we collect, how we use that information and under what circumstances we may disclose that information to others. We may use comments, information or feedback that you may submit in any manner that we may choose without notice or compensation to you.

Mizkan America, Inc.
1661 Feehanville Drive, Suite 300
Mount Prospect, IL 60056

Copyright © 2019 Mizkan America, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

EFFECTIVE AS OF: September 2018
LAST UPDATED: September 2018